Why do they
get to live a fantasy life? They didn't earn it.
I'm not against
fighting your way to success; I hope to do it myself someday. But,the
Donald Trumps of the world, the Hilton kids, or any number of
ultra-rich people that inherited millions get a free pass in life due to their birth. They never have to work. They never have to
worry about bills, or insurance. Probably never washed a dish in their
whole lives.
used to call that an aristocracy. We built our country trying to get
away from it, remember? People are given the idea that each individual
is equal politically in this country. Most at least pay lip-service to
it at least. You know the idea one man, one vote. That much was the
baseline. But talk about one woman and one minority, and suddenly we
have Citizens United. And, if you are lucky enough to be born with money
flying from your ass then you can buy more than a vote, you can buy a
You think Roy Moore is getting in on his character?
Now, you might think this is a comment about the current administration and you'd be right. But, it's bigger than that.
see, the Democrats suck too. But, the current administration is too big
of a tire fire to do anything but put out right now.The rich idiots in
charge bought the wrong candidate. They thought it was a sure fire
choice. He hits all the good demographics: Older white male. Very
wealthy. Had a hit TV show. How could anything go wrong?
we have to focus on getting the current party out and then we need to
focus on us. Not the Democrats and not the Republicans. We are the
people of this country.
We have different viewpoints on guns. So.
We have different viewpoints on god. So.
We have different viewpoints on sports, alcohol, cars and every other damn thing too, but we get along.
am a hairy-toed, tree-hugging, male nurse. I am trying to live in a
sustainable way on my on my own land in a rural area. Yet I have worked
construction. I was in the military, (U.S.Navy 1993-96). I work in an
emergency room. I grew up in Oklahoma and still have family and friends
there. I've worked with all types of people, from all walks of life, all
over the globe. We can all get along, I've seen it. So, why are we at
each other's throats all the time?
The Republicans and the Democrats are a good place to start. The people that bought them are worth a look too.
mean, look at the GOP. It's supposed to be the party of responsibility
and prudence. Yet, here they are in full charge of everything. They
passed a tax bill with absolutely zero need for restraint. They didn't
have to give up anything and what did they do? They increased the
deficit and gave tax breaks to private jet owners. Given a free hand
like that, did they go for a flat tax? Nope. Progressive taxation is
good. Especially if it gets worse and worse up to a point and then gets
radically better. That's a barrier to entry. Think about it. Gotta keep
the plebs out, even the really hard-working ones. That private jet tax
break doesn't go to doctors and shop owners.
don't care about you any more than the Democratic party cares about the
middle class. They both serve to take power and money from the middle
class and move it. The Republicans want it for themselves and the
Democrats want to give it to the poor. The poor certainly need some of
it don't get me wrong. But it's like choosing the best charity. Some of
them have a lot more overhead for executive pay. There's a smarter way
to do that than anything we are really looking at right now and I'm
pretty sure we can find it. We just need to look at things logically
instead of dogmatically to start with.
But first, the tire fire.